Saturday, April 25, 2009

I Want to be Waterboarded

I will start this blog off with a link to some knucklehead, ObamaTron's discussion about waterboarding. Please watch the whole thing, it's a very short clip. I will then easily deconstruct his argument (which is easy to do with any Liberal argument by the way). Here we go let's dive into it ...

Now I have added the text of his blog below:

"I was so wrong about torture. Since the Liks of Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, and anyone else on the right think it's not torture when you're waterboarded, and it's just rough interrogation tactics, then they must think it's perfectly okay when our soldiers are captured and they're waterboarded.

I'd like to see them say it's not torture when a news report breaks on Private Joe Smith, from Anytown, USA, was found to have been waterboarded 183 times over a period of 30 days.

Who else thinks it would be okay if one of our American Soldiers was found to have been waterboarded that many times? Who else can say that he would be a perfectly normal man, with no damaged psychological issues after believing he would be drowned nearly 200 times.

Remember, they thinks it's okay to Waterboard US Troops!!"

Posted by veritas28

I am trying hard not to call him a name, I already called him a knucklehead and the word ObamaTron is not name calling, it's just the plain truth as this guy, and unfortunately the millions like him, are spoon fed this nonsense from Obama, his administration, the Socialists in Congress, and the liberal media. So they get on their sites and come up with ludicrous arguments like the one above. Now you will notice that there really is no substance to his post, nothing. He just drones on about how the 'right wingers' think it's okay to water board our troops ... and I agree, read on to see why.

Now I, not being a knucklehead ObamaTron, will destroy his argument easily with almost no effort. Here we go. He states that certain conservative talk show hosts think that it's 'perfectly' okay for our troops to be waterboarded, now come on this is just so easy ... I am fairly convinced that these conservative pundits would be ecstatic if these enemy combatants waterboarded our captured troops. Now I'm sure your thinking; "Doug what the hell are you talking about? How can you say that? You want to waterboard our troops, who else do you want to waterboard? Your neighbor if he fails to return the tool he borrowed, your mail man, your dog, your children? You're a racist, you hate gay people, Bush Lied Kids Died ... blah, blah, blah". Yes ... let me be clear, if one of our troops is captured I want them to be waterboarded, because right now if these enemy combatants capture Private Joe Smith from Anytown, USA they would ... torture the living hell out of him, beat him to a pulp, cut his head off, burn his corpse, dismember his corpse, and drag his corpse through the streets of their cess pool villages!!! Don't you get it veritas28? Our captured troops would not be waterboarded hundreds of times and after each time sent back to their air conditioned cell at Gitmo to read their Bible that the enemy combatants provided. They would not be waterboarded hundreds of times and then go to the dentist, or the doctor, or have 3 squares a day like they do in Guantanamo Bay. They would not be waterboarded and then allowed to brush their teeth, slip on clean jammie's and climb into a cot and go to sleep. Our captured troops would not be waterboarded at all! They would be terrorized and then put to death in the most horrific way possible ... their head's sawed off their bodies while they are still alive! So yes veritas28, the conservative pundits, myself, and millions of real Americans want Private Joe Smith to be waterboarded if he is captured ... and Private Joe Smith from Anytown, USA would want to be waterboarded as well.

Now veritas28 when you lay your head down on your parent's pillow tonight, in their basement that you live in, I want you to close your eyes and think about some Terrorist holding your daughter's, or your wife's, or your mother's, or your dad's, or perhaps your brother's, or your sister's head down as he saws into their neck, through their skin, through their spinal cord, through their veins and arteries, through their muscle and bone ... all while they are alive and screaming, calling out your name. After that thought I think you would want them to be waterboarded too. Now before you go to sleep say this; "I live in the greatest nation on Earth", give it a try veritas let the liberal anger go and think about how amazingly blessed you are to live in a nation like ours.


  1. I agree that water boarding would be better than the hell you described. Is there proof that US troops have been tortured like that?

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