Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Big Lie #2

Universal, single payer health care is coming fast and furious via the Obama administration. Without getting into all the nuts and bolts, let's just start with the basics; Can you name one nation where universal health care is a success? Don't bother trying because there is no such success story. Why is that we wonder? The reason is that government cannot deliver on its promise to cover everyone because they do not have enough money ... period. Unfortunately many Americans believe that we can deliver ... sadly we cannot. Currently 49% of health care in the United States falls under Medicare and Medicaid and both of those programs, like Social Security, are bankrupt, unfunded liabilities for future generations to deal with.

The Big Lie #2, which was promulgated, by Michael Moore's Sicko, is that other nations universal health care is better than ours. If that were the truth then people of means in those countries would not travel to America every day for care ... but they do. They do this because care in those countries is free ... but it is rationed, only those the government feel need it, get it. Why is this not reported in our nation by our media? Read the links below, read the actual articles by real news outlets in countries over seas, and decide if you want to wait 4 months for an MRI as they do in Canada. Read the God Damn articles and ask yourself if that is what you want for you and your children. You have never seen this reported in the liberal media ... why? You decide ... I report.



Wake the hell up and call your Senator or Representative and tell them to vote no on Universal Health care. And you Drones; when you're done with that put down the bong and say "I live in the greatest nation on Earth". Give it a try ... you may just like it.

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