Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day!

Today is Earth Day, not the day the Earth stood still, nor the Day after Tomorrow, it is just plain old Earth Day ... yeah. I celebrated my Earth Day by making my carbon footprint as big as possible; I took the long way to work, I drove over my lunch hour snacking on a salad with grilled chicken ... yes I'm dieting ... no I don't like it ... yes I have to because I need to lose weight, I digress. I left all the lights on at my house and stopped by the grocery store and asked for a whole bunch of plastic bags ... she actually gave them to me, albeit with a strange look on her face after I told her they were for Earth Day. As you can tell already; I don't believe in Global Warming (what the Enviro-Statist calls it in the summer), nor do I believe in Man-made Climate Change (What they call it in the winter). Enviro nut jobs are not quite as bad as the anarchists with their No More Money! signs at the G-20; now how did they get to the summit; money, where did they sleep? A hotel; money. When they were hungry, they ate; money. Idiots! But the Environment crowd is almost as bad let me be clear about that.

Now I can prove Global Warming, Man-made Climate change, or whatever the H. E. double hockey sticks you want to call it is a hoax. Now you may say "Doug, what the hell are you talking about! Your not a scientist, your in sales, your a racist, Bush lied!, you have a poster of Dick Cheney in your room ... blah, blah, blah". But I can prove it ... simply and efficiently ... in two points, and they are:

1) It has widely been reported in the left wing media (which is almost all main stream media) that there is a 'consensus' among scientists that it is real ... NO! There is no such thing as a 'consensus' in true science; either it has been proven, or dis proven ... period! (And any of you Scientists that want to take me on go ahead ... but before you do tell me who funds your research ... not the organization that you research for but the money that funds that research organization ... tell me that and I will guarantee you that you do not have one scientist on staff that disagrees with Global Warming or whatever the name of the day for it is)

2) Any thing the Loony Left goes gaga over is false and not based on reality. Name me one liberal policy that has made a difference in this nation or world ... I dare you as I will back up a truck of data from real sources that show you it has not worked or achieved the opposite of its intended goal (try me! I am very well read and I think it would be fun!)

Now I don't litter, I turn my lights off (except for today) not to save the planet but to save money, I am not wasteful, again for $$ not to save the planet. Because you see this is the big lie of the left on the environment ... they are not saving the planet, because the planet does not need saving! Let me be clear on this ... The Human Race will not exist long enough on Mother Earth to matter! Sorry to be a downer there but you have to try and comprehend how old the earth is and what has happened to other species that have dominated the planet. The dinosaurs were on this planet for 65 million years ... again not a scientist, so if you are, correct me if I'm wrong. Man has been on this planet for ... don't know for sure but don't really care because it has been no where near 65 million years! Let's say for the sake of the example that it has been 25,000 years ... think about it; for man to be on this planet as long as the dinosaurs we would need to survive the next 2,599 ... 25,000 year periods ... good luck. To further make my point take a look at this video and make your own decisions ... maybe we can come together and have a consensus!

Mother Earth does not even know we are here ... she does not deal in years, nor decades, nor centuries, nor millenniums. She does not even pay attention to 10,000 years, nor 100,000, nor a million. Ten million years is nothing in terms of time on this planet, nor is 100 million years. Think about that and then think about what the real reason is the left wants you ... needs you ... will eventually force you to believe in it. I will tell you why in my upcoming Global Warming Hoax series so stay tuned! Now remember, when you lay your head on your pillow after saying I love to your wife or significant other be sure to say; "I live in the greatest nation on Earth". I'm telling you it feels good.


  1. Lynch - We lived in Boulder. Please tell me you feel some responsibility to OUR children to do better and to make the world that they live in a better place. You don't have to buy into the leftist definition of global warming to put your best efforts forward and try to make a difference. Even if one family makes the choice to live environmentally efficient, it behooves us all. I'm pledging right now to make the call that we've talked about for a year now to get the recycling set up for all the water bottles we go through and the newspapers you read.

    That is my earth day promise!

  2. Lynch you always were a kook. Now I have proof! The scientific 'concenus' says that you have lost your marbles ;-). But at least it's entertaining! Sort of like that weird crazy uncle that everyone argues with but loves at the same time. ya kook.
