Saturday, April 18, 2009

The First Blog

Well I must tell you my first blog post is surely not as fun as some of my other firsts, however it is most definately safer, wiser, & less expensive than many of them. I am writing this blog for many reasons; some out of pure self-interest, some out of my desire to write, and most importantly because I have to get this stuff out of my head, and since I, like many of you in the age of computers, can no longer write the written word in any legible way this may be a good outlet for me. I am hoping that these posts will be viewed as interesting, informative, creative, perhaps a little funny, but also seen as a serious discourse on the state of our nation and our world.

I will lay this blog page out in a clear, concise manner ... just not yet because only 15 minutes ago did I Google free blogs and it has only been a few minutes since I created my blog. By the way I must tell you this free site is way cool, very easy to set up and get writing. A side note ... the word Blog is a strange word but so is Google ... I digress let's move on. There are a few things I can tell you about how this blog will go:

1) I will use real sources, real articles, and real links to back up every post, I will not be citing other blogs (that's the whole point of writing my own)
2) I am absolutely trying to change your mind if you disagree with me so I will attempt to educate and not rant
3) I believe we all have the right to our opinion so I will do everything in my power to be civil (please remember I am Irish, I like to have a few drinks, and I really think liberal drones are destroying my nation, so I may slip up some times and resort to name calling, feel free in those instances to call me a name, just be creative!)

I look forward to Blogging for many years ... or just a few days depending on whether I get bored with this hobby like I have with all my others! Stay tuned ...

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