Okay back to it ... and no I have not gone for the run/walk yet ... but I am having coffee, yogurt and some OJ ... let's get into it. You liberals have been almost completely bamboozled by the administration and by the left wing media in this country in regards to ... drum roll please ... Health Care & Health Insurance! Now this is a juicy topic and a big one to boot, so we won't try to tackle it all today ... it's just got too many moving pieces, so we'll hit one, a couple, or at the most a few of the big talking points today and dissect the rest later. I am going to ask you again to have an open mind and to really think about what I write, and to read or view the links I post, because this topic is the big daddy out there, the 800 pound gorilla, the big picture, the big enchilada, the big personality, the movie Big, the big day ... and any other big thing you can think of ... because if this one goes the way it looks like it is going ... we will all regret it some day and our children and grand children will too. Come on at this point someone has to call me a name, just one, come on you can do it you Obamatrons, just wipe the drool from your mouth and call me a name!
Big Lie #1
"Doug, what are you talking about? ... There are 47, 48 million uninsured Americans ... we are the richest country on earth ... I have a right to health care! ... Bush lied". Let me be clear, this is a LIE, a big fib ... equivalent to you lying to your boss or your client or your kid or your wife ... and lying to them about a big deal ... not a little white lie ... we have all done that. This lie is so big because it sets the stage that there is this huge problem that has to be fixed right away and that we have to change our health care system now, have to, have to, have to, right now, change, change, Hope, Hope! (now I'm ranting, come on just one insult here ... there is a comment section below on this blog ... click it and say mean things to me, don't talk dirty to me as my wife will read this .. I hope). Let us crack this egg ... remember what I said in my first blog, not the last one, the first one ... I said I would provide real sources ... well here you go.
This just in from the .... Census Bureau ... I know you were hoping I was going cite the Drudge Report or at least something more exciting. Now the Census Bureau we can all agree is not part of the "right wing attack machine", can we agree on that? Yes or no? If no then again choose the Bush Lied response below log off and ... grab your No Nukes sign and go protest somewhere. If yes then let us continue. According to the 2006 Census Bureau of the 46.6 million people without insurance ...
9.5 million were not US Citizens
17 Million lived in households earning more than $50,000 a year (now come on at 50K a year you are choosing to not purchase health insurance because many of these people have 2 cars, maybe a boat, maybe a wave runner, perhaps a 4 wheeler, etc, etc. they are choosing these things over purchasing health insurance ... and before you say "Doug what do you mean? These people can't get insurance, their sick!" don't go there I work in the industry and will crush you with data and facts and we all know liberals don't like those, so just sip your Starbucks, keep reading, and learn something!)
18 Million were in the 18 to 34 age range (In this age range many citizens choose not to purchase health insurance because they are young and feel they are wasting their money ... I happen to disagree with them because I work in the industry ... but again it is called freedom, they can choose not to purchase it.)
Approximately 30% of the figures above were insured within 12 months and 50% were insured within 4 months (You see people change jobs, get a job, buy insurance, terminate insurance coverage ... all the time, so when you take a snapshot figure and spew it out in the liberal media everyone says oh my god 46.6 million uninsured!)
What does this mean to you ... it means you were lied to, it means that there are approximately 8 to 11 million chronically uninsured American Citizens, no where near 46.6 million. How come you don't hear this in the media ... well I know why but I will save that for another post. Just remember, it's like the old saying; "If it is too good to be true ..." turn that around and use it with this liberal talking point and reads like this "If it sounds really bad coming from the media then it is probably not anywhere close to as bad." So do some research and dig deeper, don't accept things said in 30 second sound bites. I have listed my sources below as promised. Let me also be very clear on this; we have the greatest health care in the world, bar none! Stay tuned as I will prove this in the next post(s)! And I will do it by dissecting that fat slob, no not me, Michael Moore's fakeumentary Sicko. Now call me a liar and a racist and protest me! But before you do that say this "I live in the greatest nation on Earth", come on just say it once ... see how you feel about the words coming out of your mouth ... do it in the shower or while your driving so no one will hear you ... then write bad things about me!!
U.S. Census Bureau - "Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2005" - Carmen DeNavas-Walt, Bernadette D. Proctor, Cheryl Hill Lee. GPO, August 2006, 22 (Table 8), http://www.census.gov/prod/2006pubs/p60-231.pdf.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, "Overview of the Uninsured in the United States: An Analysis of the 2005 Current Population Survey," ASPE Issue Brief, HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Education, Sept. 22, 2005, 4, http://aspe.hhs.gov/health/reports/05/uninsured-cps/ib.pdf.
Conrad F. Meier, "Politicians Using Flawed Data of Uninsured Population," Heartland Institute, Dec. 2004, http://www.heartland.org/policybot/results.html?artId=16014.
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